Album: Day with Friends at Long Lake

Long Lake is the more common name for Last Mountain Lake in Saskatchewan. The lake is long and narrow and looks much like a river because of its shape and size (more than 100 km long, but maybe only 2-3 km wide). It is located close to my home city of Regina and is a favorite place for summer activities.

The idea of a “last mountain” comes from the name given to a range of hills located just east of the lake. Perhaps the idea was that when God created the world, he had just a little building material left over, but not enough was left to create any big mountains in Saskatchewan as was done in the neighbouring province of Alberta (the famous Canadian Rockies).  So the name Last Mountain has been applied to both the hills and the nearby lake.

Click on the first image below to view all 21 photos in large format.

First published here: 2016/07/25 Published earlier on OneDrive.
Latest revision: 2018/11/29