Celebrating Christmas – Jigsaw Puzzle

The Christmas – New Year holiday is a special time for family and friends to get together. Friends may drop in for a few hours or we may host a dinner for friends in our home. At other times, family may travel some distance to be with others of their extended family for some days.

Over the holidays, board games will provide some fun activities for young and old. Sometimes, musical concerts will provide entertainment. There is always lots of food and drink, of course.

In the case of our family this year, we enjoyed a special day of Christmas celebration with our Regina daughter and her family, but then a few days later we traveled to the USA for some days with our oldest daughter and her family.

I’ll include here just a few photos of the jig-saw puzzle that we spent many hours assembling. The puzzle this time had 1000 uniquely-shaped pieces which needed to be put together (assembled) piece by piece to form a very complicated, but amazing, large picture. Over a period of 4-5 days, with the help of different family members, it slowly took shape and was finally completed before we returned home to Canada.

Today, I will just share a few photos of our holiday puzzle activity.

Click on the images to view in full-screen mode.

First published: 2017/01/08
Latest revision: 2018/07/16