Travel to Flin Flon, Manitoba

MIMGP0689sh_res200I’ll post just a few photos here of my recent travel to a town where we used to live, and a place where we continue to have some extended family.  Flin Flon is a very remote mining town, well over 700 km by road from our present home.  It’s not the kind of trip we would normally choose to do with snow on the ground, but we have lost a family member and we must pay our respects to his wife and family.  While there is sorrow, there is also anticipation that we will see family members and friends we have not seen for years.  It is not an event we want to miss.

MIMGP0682sh_res200Yes, the weather is not so good.  In November in Western Canada we can expect winter storms and frigid temperatures.  But the roads in this part of the world are generally good.  In fact, they are much better now than when we often drove these same roads many years ago.  We recall driving this wilderness road at -40C when there were few other vehicles on the road and we had a nine-month-old baby with us.  Hmmm… youthful risk-taking… we admit it.

MIMGP0737shc_res200Flin Flon was the home town of my wife, the place where we were married, and the place where I was a math teacher a few years later.  As a mining town, it is a rather rugged place, set in the middle of miles upon miles of wilderness (rocks, water, forests, and wildlife).  But it was our home for three years, the place where two of our three children were born, and a place that did much to launch my career as an educator.

MIMGP0724sh_resizeIn a latter blog I may focus on the funeral event.  But for now, readers may wish to check out the album of photos I shot on this trip, on the road and in the town itself.  Most of these photos were shot through the window of our moving vehicle using a small point-and-shoot camera.  I’m surprised they are as good as they are.

Our online photo album will give you many more photos of this travel adventure and some detailed views of a northern Canadian mining town.

Click the link here to view my online album:

My Travel to Flin Flon, Manitoba

Latest update:  2016/07/24

One thought on “Travel to Flin Flon, Manitoba

  • 2011/06/26 at 9:04 am

    The title of your article attracts my attention. In Canada, not too many people know Flin Flon and Creighton. I myself traveled to Creighton in October 2002, doing a presentation to the Shield EcoRegion Conference hold by Saskatchewan Environment, while employed by the Saskatchewan Forest Fire Center in Prince Albert. I stayed in Victoria Inn in Flin Flon. I really enjoy the journey to Flin Flon. It is amazing that many house built on rocks.

    Later I moved to Hamilton Ontario to pursue my new career. I can’t imaging after nine years I moved back to Regina after nine years and happen to read your article. Your pictures really refresh my memory. Thank you very much! I am from China and traveled lots in China, Europe, States and Canada. Maybe we can have coffee together and chat.

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