Christmas Travel to New York City

My daughter and family gave us a lovely gift for Christmas this year… tickets to a “music spectacular” in a

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Remembering Dr. Sun Yat-sen

I was first introduced to Sun Zhongshan, as he is affectionately known in China…. Dr Sun Yat-sen… Here in Nanjing this grand memorial stretches up the mountainside… he is credited with the overthrow of the last emperor of China in 1911, and the installation of the first democratic republic in all of Asia.

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Wuhan, Hubei… Where North Meets South in China

My visits to Wuhan, Hubei Province. The river, the bridge, and city. For centuries, trade and transportation within China were conducted on waterways. With the arrival of railways and the development of roads, one major waterway became an obstacle. That was the mighty Yangtze River (or the ChongJiang, as it is know to the Chinese themselves).

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